Jewellery Care Tips

Silver sterling jewellery is delicate and makes everyone ecstatic. Its shine and stunning glaze mesmerise everyone. However, maintaining the original radiance of silver needs little attention due to natural properties of silver. If used with care and provided with caring tips, you can keep your lovely pieces alive forever.


  • Try to keep your jewellery dry and protect it from moisture. Since tarnishing is the natural property of silver, it is advised to keep the jewellery away from moisture, perfumes, rainwater, etc. that can dull the shine and longevity of the jewellery.
  • To keep your jewellery’s radiance same as before, it needs a little touch-up. Timely clean-up is one of the major factors in keeping your jewellery sparkling like a fire-fly.
  • It’s advisable that you keep off your precious jewellery while you work out. The reason being that it may get effected due to sweating, and it may also get damaged if entangled in some equipment.
  • It’s always preferable to prevent from dirt, dust, and pollution. Try to keep it in an air-tight box of Tweov or in a zip-lock. It will increase the life of your precious jewellery.
  • Avoid cleaning it with hard- water, toxic solutions, and chemicals. It may not only tarnish but also eat-up your jewellery. Instead, you can use a specially imported anti atrnish cloth provided by Tweov.
  • Try to keep your jewellery in separate pouches and avoid contacting each other. This will not only reduce shine but also keep your closet organised.
  • Oxidised jewellery doesn’t need any extra care. Its consciously tarnished to give an antique effect to your jewellery.  Avoiding it in any hard water with toxic chemicals would be sufficient.

Following these tips, you can moonlit your silver jewellery and keep it alive for long time.
