The history of using silver coins in India has deep roots. It comes from the early excavation of sites of Indus valley that found punched mark silver coins. In today’s scenario, usage of silver coins in transactions in India is not functional however they are widely popular as an investment instrument and for commemorative purposes. It’s literary evidences are found in ancient vedic text-’Rigveda’ for tractional purpose. Today, People also use silver coins as an investment in India. Most popular are 10 gm silver coins and 5 gm silver coins. Since silver comes among rare and precious metals there are many factors that drive 10 gm silver coin price and 5 gm silver price in the market. TWEOV jewels, comes up with varied new twists in silver coins as the tradition of buying silver on festivity.
In the whole world, Mexico and Peru are places that are abundant of silver. However, considering its importance and uses, India imports it from various countries. When we deal in trade market , silver is dealt within commodities. As per a report of GJEPC , Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council , an apex body that monitors India’s export growth in gems and jewellery sector says:
‘ India is the largest market for silver jewellery and silverware, and it is growing exponentially since the last few years. The country’s silver jewellery exports for FY 2022-23 grew 8% year-on-year to $2.93 billion.’ —GJEPC (in citation)
Hence, the improving market scenario after COVID has again led ways to see silver as a safe heaven to invest either as a traditional 10gm silver coin price- purchase or in artifacts and jewellery.
Find out what are the factors that influence silver prices.
Currency movement of rupee against dollar effects 10 gm silver coin price.
Silver and Gold are the commodities that are traded according to US market. If rupee gets weaken against US dollars , that means we have to pay more for 1$ as we were paying. In this continuity if we look at 10 gm silver coin price, we have to pay more than we we were paying earlier for the same silver coin. So, today’s small investment in a silver coin can lead you generate wealth if you sell it after a long term investment.
Why silver/ gold is traded in the USA market?
Like many people there may come a question in your mind why silver and gold are dealt in the USA market? Let’s dive deep for this answer. After 1st world war(1914-1918), the restrictions were made on exchanges. In 1913 1 US $ was equivalent to 0.9 ₹ of India. However, due to political, geopolitical turmoils indian rupee kept falling against Indian rupee. This data was 1:4(approx~) in 1947 and in 2023 its 1:82.
After Indipendence the India was highly dependent on foreign imports for food and other basic needs. It’s expected in near future the trend is going to be the same as the other super powers as russia is loosing at its end. China is however a great competitor but no way in the race of marking itself as global currency valuator. The foreign plunder, unstable governments, geopolitical factors kept India on repairing loans and this his how this loop is still continued. In a nutshell, US currency enjoyed the dominance after world war-I and an inseparable means of exchange and trading specially for precious metals as silver and gold.
Supply and Demand of silver effecting 10 gm silver coin price.
The basic of all the economics -Supply and Demand plays a crucial and determining factor in even small value such as 10 gm silver coin prices. All the global economies work according to this factor and this derives the ups and downs in any economy. Let’s understand this by taking example of 10 gm silver coin price. In any economy if increased demand of silver is fulfilled by supply of silver than prices will fall on the other hand if the increased demand is more than supply than it will lead to price surge.
Since we know silver is a rare metal, hence its demand is always more and supply is always less, since inception of its use in various business as silver jewellery and artifacts, solar panels, glass coating, RFIDs, medicines, batteries any many more. So today’s small investment in a 10gm silver coin price can lead to bring a huge wealth in long run. For your reference you can check out these data.
Political factors that effect silver prices
It’s important to know that in what kind of leadership you are living into. Political turmoils, frequent changing govt and thus the policies and laws effects the market. This is a hidden yet important factor in determining sustainennce of any economy. You can easily notice the market volatility according to the day to day laws passed, changing leaders, elections etc. Thus , just like other commodities, silver prices also get effected thereby effecting it at user end who is looking to invest a small amount for say 10 gm silver coin price.
Economic trends leading changes in silver coin price
If people are getting good salary and its loose economy, they tend to purchase and invest more such as gold, silver and other precious metals. On the other hand if there is a stagnant income or recession in market there will be less purchase hence decreasing demand. These factors along with the major government scheme, upcoming projects, foreign affairs, RBI policies also indirectly effect the prices of silver.
Technological advancements that reflect on 10 gm silver coin price
Exploration, mining, and processing—the three main aspects of mining—somewhat overlap. Mineral exploration has recently made use of modern technology like GPS and tomographic imaging, both of which were created by the defence industry. The efficiency and productivity of mineral exploration may be increased by research in fundamental geological sciences, geophysical and geochemical techniques, and drilling technology. These advancements reduces manual exploration but the importance of manual mining can’t be denied. So the technical advancements and manual mining may add up the cost in increasing 10 gm silver coin price.

The Last Say:
Conclusively, it won’t be wrong to say that while looking for investment options, silver is one of the high demand commodity. The price change over years show that even if you invest in a small amount of silver such as 10 gm silver coin, price of it will increase your wealth.
So, this festive season when you buy your precious silver coins or silver jewellery be happy that you are not maleing your wealth as well as happiness to your family.
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Political factors that effect silver prices
It’s important to know that in what kind of leadership you are living into. Political turmoils, frequent changing govt and thus the policies and laws effects the market. This is a hidden yet important factor in determining sustainennce of any economy. You can easily notice the market volatility according to the day to day laws passed, changing leaders, elections etc. Thus , just like other commodities, silver prices also get effected thereby effecting it at user end who is looking to invest a small amount for say 10 gm silver coin price.
Economic trends leading changes in silver coin price
If people are getting good salary and its loose economy, they tend to purchase and invest more such as gold, silver and other precious metals. On the other hand if there is a stagnant income or recession in market there will be less purchase hence decreasing demand. These factors along with the major government scheme, upcoming projects, foreign affairs, RBI policies also indirectly effect the prices of silver.
Technological advancements that reflect on 10 gm silver coin price
Exploration, mining, and processing—the three main aspects of mining—somewhat overlap. Mineral exploration has recently made use of modern technology like GPS and tomographic imaging, both of which were created by the defence industry. The efficiency and productivity of mineral exploration may be increased by research in fundamental geological sciences, geophysical and geochemical techniques, and drilling technology. These advancements reduces manual exploration but the importance of manual mining can’t be denied. So the technical advancements and manual mining may add up the cost in increasing 10 gm silver coin price.
Technological advancements that reflect on 10 gm silver coin price
Exploration, mining, and processing—the three main aspects of mining—somewhat overlap. Mineral exploration has recently made use of modern technology like GPS and tomographic imaging, both of which were created by the defence industry. The efficiency and productivity of mineral exploration may be increased by research in fundamental geological sciences, geophysical and geochemical techniques, and drilling technology. These advancements reduces manual exploration but the importance of manual mining can’t be denied. So the technical advancements and manual mining may add up the cost in increasing 10 gm silver coin price.

The Last Say:
Conclusively, it won’t be wrong to say that while looking for investment options, silver is one of the high demand commodity. The price change over years show that even if you invest in a small amount of silver such as 10 gm silver coin, price of it will increase your wealth.
So, this festive season when you buy your precious silver coins or silver jewellery be happy that you are not maleing your wealth as well as happiness to your family.
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